Contexte et objetcifs du colloque

Les changements environnementaux font peser de nouvelles menaces sur l’humanité. L’urbanisation, la circulation des biens et des personnes, les migrations, les changements climatiques facilitent la prolifération de maladies, connues ou nouvelles, qui peuvent se transformer subitement en épidémie mondiale.

De tels constats conduisent à de nombreuses vois de recherche et de  réflexions scientifiques,  sur le développement global de nos sociétés

Les engagements de la Principauté de Monaco, et de Son Prince Souverain, en matière de changements environnementaux et de lutte contre les maladies, rejoignent les préoccupations et les missions qui sont celles de l’Institut Pasteur depuis plus de 120 ans.
Ce colloque a pour objectif de répondre à un besoin de vision intégrée des questions de santé et  d’environnement et de mettre en place un dialogue interdisciplinaire associant chercheurs en science biomédicales et sociales.

Scientific Program
Friday 23rd March 2012
09:00 - 09:30      Opening: Prof. Alice Dautry and H.E. Mr Michel Roger, 
Ministry of State
09:30 - 12:30      Environmental changes and their health consequences
Can we develop an integrated vision on health and environmental issues for the future development of our societies?
Chairpersons: Prof. Arnaud Fontanet (Institut Pasteur) - Prof. Patrick Rampal (Monaco Scientific Center)
- Prof. James Webb, historian, Colby College: an historical perspective on environmental changes and vector-borne diseases.
- Prof. David Rogers, ecologist, Oxford University, Chair of EDEN (European project on vector-borne diseases):
modelling emergence of vector borne diseases in Southern Europe.
- Prof. Mercedes Pascual, ecologist, University of Michigan: climate-driven infectious diseases in a changing human landscape: two case studies on cholera and malaria
 - Prof. Anthony McMichael, epidemiologist, Australian National University, Canberra: environmental changes and zoonoses emergence.
- Dr Lluis Quintana Murci, geneticist, Institut Pasteur: human migration and infectious diseases.
Conclusion: Prof. Arnaud Fontanet, Prof. Patrick Rampal
14:30 - 16:30         Afternoon session *
Chairpersons: Prof. Pierre Dellamonica (Infectiologist, Nice University Hospital) Dr Sandrine Segovia-Kueny (French Environmental Health Association,
- Dr Pascal DELAUNAY (Entomologist, Nice University Hospital): vector-borne diseasesand international transport
-  Dr Alexis Armengaud (Epidemiologist, CIRE-Sud): Chikungunya and dengue emergence in southern France.
-  Dr Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum (Department of Public Health and Environment, World Health Organisation):
What do we need to do to protect health from climate change?          
16:30 - 17:00      Chairpersons: Prof. Denis ALLEMAND (Monaco Scientific 
Center) H.E. Mr Bernard Fautrier (Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation) Dr Ibrahim Assane Mayaki (Executive Secretary of the NEPAD Agency, Veolia Environment Foundation Board Member): Climate change consequences on water born diseases: the example of a water integrated approach to fight against cholera.
17:00     Chairpersons: Prof. Patrick Rampal (Monaco Scientific Center) - 
Dr Cécile Delval (Institut Pasteur)
Prince Albert II / Institut Pasteur awards ceremony with H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco and Prof. Alice Dautry
18:00     Cocktail
* This session is opened to public audience
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www.ec2h-monaco.orgor send an email to :